miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011



The Inca culture began to build after the establishment of this community in the UrubambaRiver valley from the Aymara culture, the repository turn of centuries of cultural training. With the expansion of empire, it was absorbing new cultural expressions of peoples attached and placed in the current territories of Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina.
Agriculture.Platforms or terraces to prevent erosion and make the slopes and hills.Waru Waru, a technique derived from his brothers in the highlands, in which plowed furrowsaround crops and filled them with water to create a microclimate more stable environment.Dry ponds were filled during the rainy season. It was widely used on the coast. They simply called lagoons (quchakuna).


How did the Incas live?
The Incas believed in two ideas that were the basis of all Andean societies and without which they would not have achieved their success as an empire: reciprocity and redistribution..

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